‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet’
(William Shakespeare from Romeo and Juliette)
There are 150 species of roses, and thousands of hybrids can be found in a variety of shapes and colors.
Now, I am a graphic artist and marvel at how many times I reach for my rose image to add to a custom design to convey a message.
Soften a personal 80th Birthday invitation
Add purity to a wedding keepsake pillow
Or brighten a baby shower
Do you want to use a rose to send a Message?
Below are 5 rose colors and their meanings.
Red roses symbolize love and romance
Pink roses symbolize gratitude, grace, admiration, and joy.
Orange roses symbolize enthusiasm and passion.
Yellow roses symbolize friendship.
White roses symbolize innocence and purity.
The Rose is ageless crossing centuries and continents.
The Rose is the national flower of England however it is an international shrub.
From Spain and Canada to the United States and Mexico the rose appears in many forms.
Mexico ---- Since the 1880s, the red rose has been a symbol of socialism.
Spain ---- The Catalans in the north eastern of Spain have traditionally celebrated Saint George’s Day as the dia dels enamorats ("lovers' day"), on which lovers exchange blood-red roses.
Canada ---- In 1930, the wild rose or prickly rose was adopted as the official flower of the Canadian province of Albert.
USA ---- In 1986, the rose was adopted as the national floral emblem of the United States.
It is the state flower of five U.S. states.
North Dakota
New York
The rose has inspired poetry
Appears in home décor
Fills many public parks

And its fragrance has inspired many a French perfume.
Its oils, pressed carefully from the petals, is one of the most
expensive essential oils in the world.
The Rose is ageless crossing centuries and continents.
No wonder I pick a Rose so often.
Stop and smell the roses and enjoy the roses I have reached
for to populate my designs